During our two days in Lake Havasu we stocked up on groceries etc. in anticipation of dry camping in Quartzsite. While we had previously boon-docked in the desert it was only for two or three days and this time we were going to stay for three weeks to a month--penance for the lavish life style we had enjoyed in Las Vegas. Traveling south from Lake Havasu, we passed through Parker and on to Quartzsite.
How would you like this Job? Driving around the Lake each day picking up weeds. Pretty good job I'd say.
May the road rise up to meet you,May the wind be always at your back.May the sun shine warm upon your face,The rains fall soft upon your fields.And until we meet again,May God hold you in the palm of his hand.An Irish Blessing
He's just about got it picked up.
Lake Havasu again--Love this place!
Interesting Mountain along the way.
Quail at our campsite at Hi Jolly 2 miles north of Quartzsite.
Sunset over the desert.
And again
Our campsite in the desert
Miles of campsites- hard to believe that in peak season-January and Feb. you can hardly find a spot to park.
Storm clouds but no rain.
Our Backyard- at night you can hear the coyotes calling.
Most of the campers here are Canadian.
Leaving Hi Jolly and heading into Quartzsite to do some laundry and then will be heading down to the Imperial dam in California.
When you're traveling you meet a lot of interesting people. Paul Winer, the owner of Desert Oasis Bookstore in Quartzsite is definitely one of those. At first glance you might think "oh yeah! just another naked bookseller ", but after talking to him you begin to realize what a truly remarkable individual he is. I happened to notice a picture of him playing a piano and I asked him if he still played. "Oh yes " he said, leading us to a small grand piano at the back of the store that was covered with books, would you like me to play you something?
What was immediately evident, as we listened to him play, was that he was a very gifted and accomplished musician. We were to learn, in a subsequent conversation, that he was in the entertainment business for 25 years traveling throughout the New England states and eastern Canada. Since his retirement from the music scene 20 years ago he has been selling books in Quartzsite. It has only been , in the past few months that he has started performing for a audience again and he has a show in Quartzsite on January 9th 2011. Keep on Trucking Paul.